Ultrasound (UG)-based diagnostic approaches and devices known for a long time and are widely used in medical practice. However, the therapeutic application of US for medical practice are not sufficiently developed. It is known that the physiological effects of US on biological tissues are mainly based on thermal, mechanical, chemical, and biological factors. According to this most US whale and the intensity of the spectrum (from 3 kHz up to 9 MHz) can lead to a potentially significant therapeutic bioeffects on cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and other systems. So are questions remain: what are the realistic and topical characteristics of various physical and whales (intensity, duration) biological effects of ultrasound vibrations in specialyzed structures (tissues, organs or systems) and how to make them more widely to optimise and use of therapeutic uses? The purpose of the work was selected for explore UG kavitacinių flows on the vascular structures generated and opportunities to utilize the safe noninvasive and miniinvasive vascular recanalization by the destruction of aterosclerotic, trombogenic or mixed derivatives and to create of novel methods and technologies for improving of vascular function.
Project funding:
Research Council of Lithuania, Projects carried out by researchers’ teams
Project results:
Project results and the guidelines of environmental compensation are presented in the reviewed manuscript of a scientific book.
Period of project implementation: 2015-07-01 - 2018-03-31
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology
Project partners: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences