Project is aimed at the development and realization of super?high precision and nanometre resolution mechatronic systems of laser beam intensity control system for high?tech applications.
Project funding:
Technological development projects
Project results:
Outcome of the project – a new class of innovative high?tech device – super?high precision mechatronic system of laser beam intensity control, based on the integration of “smart materials” properties and innovative technological ideas and solutions. The displacement generation and transformation is realized by the application of modern piezoactive materials, employing both their direct and converse piezoeffects, and for effecting motion parameters stabilization. Adaptability and self?diagnosis properties are integrated for generated displacement measurements using adaptive vibration synthesis techniques.
Developed system characteristics are: angular speed -? rad/s, resoliution- 1 arcsec, rotation -360 deg, dimensions of device- 50 x 50 x 50 mm,dimensions of controler- 30 x 50x 50 mm.
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology