It is foreseen that in Europe in 2050 the population of people older than 65 years will increase to 70%, while those over 80 years – 170%. As a consequence, present medical community requires noninvasive smart technologies and tools that could be applied when dealing with aging?related health problems. The increase in person’s age has a marked influence on occurrence of disorders in cardiovascular and spinal systems. Therefore, development of noninvasive means for treatment and prevention of such disorders is highly relevant nowadays. In addition, studies conducted by European Commission indicate that backache is the most common complaint among EU citizens with roughly 67 million of the respondents acknowledging the problem. Therefore, innovative research efforts in the field of vascular and spinal dynamics are particularly important at the moment. Studies conducted by the project team as well as by international research groups reveal that capillaries subject to mechanical vibrations have a positive impact on the blood circulatory system as a whole. Therefore, this project aims to study the possibilities and develop tools for dynamic agitation of blood circulation and activation of spinal function together with the accompanying wireless devices intended for human condition monitoring. Project activities will also encompass implementation of mathematical models for numerical analysis of processes related to blood flow in capillaries and spinal dynamics. The devices to be developed in the project will be tested both in laboratory and clinical conditions as well as integrated with advanced cloud computing technologies for data transmission, storage and presentation to the end user.
Project funding:
Research Council of Lithuania, National Research Programme “Healthy Ageing”
Period of project implementation: 2015-08-10 - 2017-12-31
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology
Project partners: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences