The Collaborative Industrial IoT aims at i) tackling the skills gaps and mismatches i.e. responding to the training challenge; ii) supporting bachelor level students in acquiring and developing the skills and key competences in order to be employed and support the digitalization of SMEs in the manufacturing sector; iii) providing innovative and transnational training and learning models
Project funding:
EU Erasmus+ programme
Project results:
The key project’s results include:
1. Collaborative Industrial IoT (IIoT) Curricula equivalent to 25 ECTS corresponding to the EQF level 6 (Bachelor level) integrated in the existing study offering of the partner HEIs in Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and France.
2. Five training modules (including training materials, and guides for teachers) to match the needs of the European manufacturing industry: Principles of Industry 4.0 and IIoT; Network Programming in IIoT and IoT Application: Machine Vision, Digital Image Processing and Cloud Computing; Cybersecurity in IIoT Applications; Advanced Machining Technologies. Once the training product (five training modules) have been developed, they can be offered as ‘Open University’ courses for the current employees of SMEs and other manufacturing companies.
3. Model of Developing Learning Material in Cloud Environment, which intensifies transnational collaboration, internationalization, use of experts irrespective of the geographical location, and sustainability for international collaboration.
4. Capacity building of 15 teachers in both teaching methodology and approach suitable for Collaborative Industrial IoT and in Collaborative Industrial IoT Modules.
5. Capacity building of 25-125 students in Collaborative Industrial IoT. During the intensive learning, teaching and training programmes the students will also improve their transversal skills.
Period of project implementation: 2020-09-01 - 2023-08-31
Project coordinator: Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Project partners: Kaunas University of Technology, Riga Technical University, Tallinn University of Technology, Group ESAIP